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Disaster Prevention Information for Foreign Residents

This page was created to provide useful information about disasters, such as storms and earthquakes, to foreign residents of Miyazaki Prefecture.

1. Preparing for Disaster

Disaster Prevention Pamphlet for Foreigners (Miyazaki Prefectural Government, Miyazaki Prefecture International Foundation)

The pamphlet explains how to prepare for storms and earthquakes.

Disaster and Crisis Management e-COLLEGE (Fire and Disaster Management Agency)

"Disasters:A Safety Guide(External link)" provides animations and audio enplaning earthquake and storm countermeasures. (English)

A Guidebook for living in Miyazaki (Miyazaki Prefecture International Foundation)

This guidebook provides handy information about life in Miyazaki Prefecture, including what to do in an emergency. (Japanese and English)

Multilingual Living Information (Council of Local Authorities for International Relations)

This site provides essential information for living in Japan in thirteen languages.

2. Gathering Information About Disasters

Weather and Earthquake Information (Japan Meteorological Agency)

This site provides information about weather, earthquakes, and other forces of nature. (English)

Miyazaki Prefecture Disaster and Crime Prevention E-mail Service

Here you will find an explanation of the "Miyazaki Prefecture Disaster and Crime Prevention E-mail Service" System, which offers notices via e-mail about weather, evacuation announcements, disasters, and crime prevention.

3. When Disaster Strikes

Emergency Telephone Message Service

The following links contain information about the "Disaster Emergency Dengon Dial" offered by NTT West when a large scale disaster strikes.

Emergency Message Service from Mobile Phone Providers

The following links provide instructions for using the emergency message services offered by mobile phone providers when a large scale disaster strikes.

4. Disaster Related Information

Information about disasters in Miyazaki Prefecture

There is no new information.


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