所長挨拶 研究所の紹介 発表・調査研究 情報・ニュース 宮崎県感染症情報センター 見学と研修のお申し込み リンク集 お問い合わせ




平成15年度 ジフテリア・破傷風・百日咳抗体保有状況調査成績

河野 喜美子・東 美香

Investigation of antibody prevalence to diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis in Miyazaki Prefecture in 2003

Kimiko KAWANO and Mika HIGASHI

As one research study on the national epidemiological surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases, an investigation of antibody prevalence to diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis in people in Miyazaki Prefecture was done using serum samples collected from people of various age groups.

Antibody of 0.01 IU/ml (level of preventing onset of illness) and over to diphtheria toxin was detected from more than 80% of people in each age group of 0-4, 5-9 and 10-19 years. The positive rate reduced by degrees as people grew older in the age groups above twenty years of age. In groups classified by history of vaccination, antibody to diphtheria toxin was detected from 100% of people vaccinated with twice of primary three times vaccination, or more.

Antibody of 10 U/ml (probable level of preventing onset of illness) and over to pertussis toxin (PT) and filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) was detected from 48-76% people (except one age group of 30-39 years) and 59-88% people, respectively, in all age groups. In group classified by history of vaccination, antibody to PT and FHA was detected from about 75% and over of people vaccinated with all of primary three times vaccination , or more.

Antibody of 0.01 IU/ml (level of preventing onset of illness) and over to tetanus toxin was detected from more than 76% of people in each of the five group between 0 and 39 yeras of age, whereas it was detected from only 10% of people older than 40 years of age . It would appear that the great majority of them had no chance of being vaccinated against these three diseases, because DPT vaccination only began in 1968 in Japan. In groups classified by history of vaccination, antibody to tetanus toxin was detected from 92-100% of samples from people vaccinated with twice of primary three times vaccination, or more.

Key words : diphtheria, tethanus, pertussis


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