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赤崎 いずみ・徳山 和秀・迫 昭男・ 関屋 幸一・青山 好文・河野 謙一

Investigation of water quality such as BOD of the Oyodo River

Izumi AKAZAKI, Kazuhide TOKUYAMA, Akio SAKO, Koichi SEKIYA, Yoshifumi AOYAMA, Ken'ichi KOHNO

The water quality in Oyodo River has been measured each financial year from 1994 through to 2002 at the Dainomaru Bridge, the Aioi Bridge, and the Odo Bridge.

For 9 years, the 3 spots have satisfied almost all the environmental quality standards. And the water quality of lower current area of the Oyodo River has improved. It was considered that the one of reason for this better water quality is due to an improvement in household wastewater treatment in the upper current area of the Oyodo River, resulting in less untreated household wastewater entering the river.

There was an indication that Honjo River, which is a tributary of Oyodo River, affected the water quality of main river.

A seasonal fluctuation in the water quality was also found.

Key words : BOD, water quality, Oyodo River

大淀川は、流路延長107km、流域面積2,230km2、流域人口がおよそ58万6千人、流域市町村5市16町3村と、本県では 最も大きな一級河川である。鹿児島県曽於郡中岳に源を発し、都城盆地を貫流して宮崎平野に入った後、本庄川等の支川を合わせ、日向灘に注いでおり、多くの県民に親しまれている。また、宮崎市民の水道水源でもあり、大淀川の水質については、県民にとって大変関心の高いものとなっている。


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